If you happen to be a Facebook friend of mine, and have seen my status updates the past three days then you know I’ve been under the weather, suffering (miserably if I may whine some more) from some variation of the Death Flu and / or Plague.
Now I will freely admit that I don’t handle being sick very well. What can I say, I’m a man. I whine like a five year old. I want my mommy to take care of me. I am not a good patient.
Enter the wonderful Francy. Her achievements as the Master of the Real Estate Universe and Queen of Brokerage Operations are relatively well documented.
What receives far less attention is just how amazing a person she is outside of the whacky world of real estate.
She not only has put up with my whining and moaning, she actually helps me. She takes care of me. She feels bad for me.
Sure sure there is the whole “for better or for worse, in sickness and in health” thing. But some twenty odd years after saying those words Francy still lives by them. Wife #1 never really gave a crap about anything but herself. Francy is the polar opposite, sacrificing a LOT for her kids, and for me.
She rocks my world. I can’t imagine life without her by my side…
Thesa Chambers
I am sure Francy has some of the very same great things to say about you… glad you have an awesome lady holding your world together 🙂