Today is Veterans Day. Observed annually on November 11, it honors men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces.
My father is a veteran. He spent almost three decades serving as a Chaplain in the Army. He spent a year deployed in Korea, and another 13 months deployed to Vietnam at the height of the Vietnam war.
I’m ridiculously proud of his service, as well as that of every other man and woman that has ever served, or is currently serving, in the Armed Forces.
I was, am, and will always be an “Army Brat.” And yes, I’m quite proud of that as well.
As is the norm for me, this morning I went to Facebook and posted a thank you note to my dad, and everyone that served and sacrificed — including the families of veterans. Believe me, those families make sacrifices too.
Here’s what I posted on my Facebook profile:
Apparently my inclusion of the words, “and their families” struck a nerve with someone because this arrived in my in-box a few hours later:
My first thought on reading this was, “what an asshole,” followed shortly by, “does this clown really have no idea how to use an apostrophe?” Of course I wanted to fire off a response. My first inclination was a two word reply–one beginning with “F” and ending in “you”.
Then I decided that this sorry excuse for a human didn’t deserve a direct response. His oh so cleverly named email address “Zillow Zucks” was relegated to a filter that will dump any future correspondence straight into the trash, where it can join the other idiots hiding behind a keyboard with names like “[email protected]” and “JayTisadick@hotmail” (or whatever email provider it was).
But the more I thought about it, the more this nonsense bothered me. So I thought, “let’s show the world how the classless people live.”
Hence this post. While I certainly don’t feel like I need to defend myself to this emailing idiot, let’s take a peek at some of what was written and call this jacktard out.
Claiming credit for service
I did not (and never have or will) claim that I served in the military. What I did claim was family members of the fine men and women of the armed services make sacrifices too. More on that in a moment.
“As a Chaplain, it’s not like he really did anything in the Army”
This is probably the most utterly preposterous sentence in the email. I guess writing letters to the parents of solders killed in battle isn’t really “doing anything.” I guess flying around in choppers all over south Vietnam, getting shot at, so he could minister to the troops in the field isn’t “doing anything.” I guess comforting the families of deployed, wounded and dead soldiers doesn’t help anyone. I guess those non-war time calls in the middle of the night to go talk a suicidal soldier out of jumping off a bridge or blowing their brains out isn’t really “doing anything for the Army.”
Do you think this guy has ANY clue how stupid he sounds?
On Stolen Honor
Yes, I’m intimately familiar with the term “Stolen Honor” (though the proper phrase is, “Stolen Valor.”) The Stolen Valor Act, makes it a federal crime, as it should be, for people to pass themselves off as war heroes by wearing medals they didn’t rightfully earn. Sadly, there are people out there that will don a military uniform, complete with decorations and pass themselves off as veterans who earned those medals and decorations.
To claim I did this is patently absurd. The last “military” uniform I wore was over 35 years ago when I pulled on my high school JROTC uniform for the last time. I’ve certainly never hung a Medal of Honor around my neck or pinned a Bronze Star on my chest or claimed that I ever served as much as a day in the military.
I deserve thanks on Veterans Day
More absurdity. While I do believe know that military children and spouses make sacrifices, this is a day to honor the men and women that wore/wear the uniform. A little recognition for their families is nice, and appropriate in my opinion, but this day is for the vets.
How the fuck is anything you did as a 12 year old “service” to your country?
It’s not “service,” it’s “sacrifice.” And yes, I and my family did make some sacrifices.
Ever watched the evening news circa 1968 – 69 and see the American soldier body counts that were announced?
114 U.S. soldiers were killed today in Vietnam…
Imagine being an nine-year old boy turning to your mother after hearing that and asking, “Could daddy be one of those? How do we know he’s OK today?”
Tell me my mom didn’t make sacrifices having to deal with that.
It pretty much sucks for the kid too. I “lost” my dad for over two years thanks to deployments to Korea and Vietnam. Two very formative years that I can never get back.
While it’s nothing compared to being in combat, when you find out you’re being transferred, yet again, there are sacrifices made. It sorta stinks to walk up to your friends and say, “Dad got orders…” and you all start crying because you know you’ll never see each other again. Ever.
How about the spouse of a veteran? Can any decent human being possibly believe spouses don’t make sacrifices during their military lives?
The Bottom Line
Here’s the deal pal–you can attack me all you like, I honestly couldn’t care less what you think of me. Ditto with my employer. I work with some of the finest, smartest, most caring people on the planet. I answer to them, not you. One thing I will not tolerate however, is you bringing my father (or anyone else in my family) or my friends into whatever hate-filled rhetoric you choose to spew.
Let’s put it more succinctly–leave my family out of your incoherent, moronic babbling.
Here’s an idea. How about YOU man up and crawl out from behind your keyboard stashed in the corner of mommy’s basement and put your name where your mouth is.
Somehow, I just don’t see that happening.
Excellent post with all of the appropriate responses to a person who probably doesn’t even deserve one. And, great to learn more about your amazing Dad. Until next time…
what a coward – him not you of course – makes me pretty sick to think someone is that stupid in today’s world – hugs to you Jay – I adore you
Thank you for your sacrifice then, and thank you for responding to this baseless attack as you did now.
That is just awful. Great reply.
I just sit here hoping this doofus isnt a real estate agent. Shame on him regardless.
Definitely a basement dweller in more ways than one.
Thanks for bringing this into the light. It is the right thing to do
What an angry individual. Very nice post and even better response. Too bad this person has to hide behind some fake email account. Wow, that sure takes some guts!
Years ago, I was very touched when a pastor asked all veterans to stand when veterans day fell on a Sunday. We acknowledged them with applause. Then the pastor asked their families to stand and asked us to acknowledge them for their sacrifice. It was very moving. You’re a fine man Jay, a product of a good family. The son of a hero. A good husband. A loving father. I wouldn’t give this loser another moment’s thought.
just seriously freaking WOW. I never served. But My daddy did. He didn’t get to be home when I was born. My husband did. Families do sacrifice and that idiot is just that, an idiot.
Well put, sad to see you had to say it!
Hey Jay,
I truly believe this is one of your best posts ever! Grateful for you and everything your father did to serve his nation. He truly sounds like an amazing father! Thank you, your mom and your entire family for the sacrifices you all gave over the years to support your father. (Yes you all DESERVE IT!) This cowards response made me sick, mad and amazed at the stupid shit these Internet trolls spew! I can only imagine how 5his made you feel today. I would be happy to kick this ass clown in his balls for you, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have any.
Take care my friend and remember how many do love and respect you!
Sincerely your friend,
Marc Lemaire
I’m so sorry that someone attacked you like that for your tribute to veterans and their families. Of course Veterans Day is in honor of our vets. It is also a nice gesture to recognize their families as well. I cannot imagine, as a parent, what it must have been like to have a child (sometimes more than one or two) on the front lines in any of the wars we’ve fought. I cannot imagine how my mother worried about my father while he was stationed in Germany during WWII all the time raising my two sisters and me alone. Because of the sacrifice your father and mine made, along with their family members, we are able to live a life many others dream of each and every day.