Cop that just pulled me over for speeding: “Do you know how fast you were driving?”
Me: 60
Cop: Do you know the speed limit here?
Me: 45
Cop: And…..?
Me: No excuse. Empty road, seemed safe and well, driving 60 is more fun than driving 45.
Cop: I appreciate your honesty. Thanks for not trying some bullshit excuse. Have a nice day and slow down.
First time I’ve been pulled over for speeding in 34 years of driving and not gotten a ticket. And I’ve been pulled over… a few times.
I’d love to seen the look on the officers face.
He was pretty shocked…
Having been in the position of giving tickets one time in my life (it’s nice to have a dog to back you up one a stop!)
One phrase all cops will chuckle at, if you say it with a smile and your hands are at the 10 and 2 o’clock positions on the steering wheel is this:
“Sir, I got here as soon and fast as I could because I heard you were here!”
I’m going to remember that one Gregg! Speaking of hands at 10 and 2, I know the cop really appreciated it when I told him I had to reach under the passenger seat for the registration/proof of insurance.
Just an FYI to all that read when pulled over:
1. Roll all windows down so the officer can see inside
2. Keep hands at 10-2 o’clock positions until you are asked to get license/registration.
3. At night turn on inside lights
4. Don’t argue –it’ll only hurt you.
5. If you don’t like the result –show up in court!
6. If packin heat –FIRST tell the officer you have it and where it is located.
7. If alone on stretch of road where “banditos from across the border come to” and you are in fear for your safety (maybe a fake cop) — call 911, advise of location and say that you are being pulled over BUT you are not sure it is a legitimate cop — verify with dispatcher and continue to drive until you get to a public location.
If the real officer has heartburn with that –oh well –they should understand. If not, take the verbal basing if you get it and thank God that you’re alive to talk about it!
Oh Jay…only you.
I’m just glad I wasn’t doing 90 Heather. I think the outcome would have been different…
Oh, I’m sure. But honesty you know…goes a long way in this day and age 🙂 Good job!
Are you sure it’s wasn’t your good looks, Jay?
Yeah Whitney, I’m pretty sure that had nothing to do with it…
Hey, stop outing my trick. (Knock on Wood) I have been confessing for years and getting out of tickets. Cops are gobsmacked by honesty.
I’m always brutally honest with them Tom, but I’ve never gotten out of a ticket before. Had them reduced below criminal speeding many times, but never completely out of one.
Nice, I got out of one a few months ago by just being honest. Put your hand at 10 & 2, roll down the window and don’t throw any BS at them and you may have a chance to get out of it.
I can attest to the fact that Jay doesn’t usually get out of a ticket!
Especially if it’s been two years since he last took the class 🙂
I had to read it twice, and still couldn’t believe it! LMAO
I have been on a few ride-alongs here in San Diego with some SDPD friends. First, you have a whole new appreciation for what these guys have to deal with on a daily basis and second, the guys that were honest and didn’t give the cops any BS were on their way much sooner than the guys that pulled some BS or excuse about what they were doing.
Love it. About 10 years ago I got my first speeding ticket in forever. I knew I was speeding and when the officer took my license, registration and insurance I decided to use an old stand by, “Do you know Lt. Fraser” (my dad) He looked at me, smiled said, “Yes, Mr Fraser I do but your dad has been retired for 8 years and I let you go 15 years ago when you were in high school. Time to come up with some new material.” …Ooops
Maybe, as your mother, I shouldn’t be reading this new blog!
There’s worse Mom… 😉